Overview and map
of all spaces
Overview and map
of all spaces
How to sign up for the $120/year flat rate water access in Baltimore City. All community-managed open spaces are eligible.
How to install a water meter on your community-managed open space.
Concerned about dumping, safety, and vines that may be smothering trees? This guide has everything you need to know to be a good steward of your local woods.
Thinking of creating a green space or have one and looking for ways to fund it? Here is a list of organizations and programs to help do just that!
Are you considering a shipping container for your garden site?
There are many affordable options for solar powered, motion sensor lights.
They can cause issues for community green spaces. We wrote a guide to help you beat the bite.
Transfer of lots in use as community-managed open space from Baltimore City to a land trust.
Furman Center for real estate & urban policy.
Read this great article to find out.
Our Baltimore Forest Patch Atlas shows Baltimore’s forest patches as identified through a 2012-2013 GIS analysis.
We were interviewed along with other leaders in community greening to provide tips for the community.
Sponsored by TreeBaltimore educates residents and increases their role in the care of the City’s trees.
Living near a forest keeps your amygdala healthier
A new report by the Nature Conservancy argues that the urban canopy should be considered—and funded—as a part of a city’s public health infrastructure.
Here’s a great resource produced by the USDA Forest Service that discusses how to conserve trees. Special thanks goes out to James a student from Home School Adventures who found this page for us!
An umbrella organization for all City agencies, private organizations and individuals in their effort to increase the tree canopy of Baltimore.
Restoring the quality of Baltimore’s rivers, streams and Harbor to foster a healthy environment, a strong economy, and thriving communities.
Cultivating orchards, cultivating communities
Introducing a conceptual model of the urban forest patch as a complex social-ecological system, incorporating cross-scale interactions.
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