Ash Street Garden

Ash Street Garden is located at 3509 Ash Street. This community garden was begun in 2010 on three lots in the west edge of Hampden, where workers of the Jones Falls mills once lived.

The garden includes twelve plots and a perennial food and native pollinator garden that supports plants, animals, fungi, people, and the exchange of ideas. The garden is managed by Baltimore Free Farm, a volunteer-run egalitarian collective of gardeners and activists, and the plot holders. If you’d like to know more about Ash Street Garden or the work that Baltimore Free Farm does, email [email protected].

Other Green Spaces

Charles M. Halcott Square

A shaded sitting spot known as “The Miracle in the Middle.”

Victorine Q. Adams Memorial Garden

This space grows vegetables, works with youth, and allows for spiritual renewal.

Brentwood Commons

A beautiful, grassy gathering space, nestled between rowhouses.